Computerised Interactive Remediation of Cognition and Thinking Skills
Which type of license is right for you depends on whether you intend to use CIRCuiTS™ for Clinical or Research purposes, and which Language you require.
A CIRCuiTS™ license provides:
Full access to CIRCuiTS™ for one year (renewable Clinical License) or for the duration of a project (Research License)
Access for an unlimited number of trained therapists in your organisation
Access to our admin area for managing client accounts, monitoring progress, generating reports, and more.
Access to our Members Forum, where registered CIRCuiTS™ therapists can share ideas and support
All therapists using CIRCuiTS™ within a licensed organisation require formal CIRCuiTS™ training and adequate supervision, and so access to our Training will need to be purchased separately.
CIRCuiTS™ is only effective if therapists adhere to the guidance and therapeutic principles provided in their CIRCuiTS™ training and to their profession's ethical standards. Anyone who holds a CIRCuiTS™ license is expected to adhere to these standards and is responsible for their clinical decisions when delivering CIRCuiTS™, in accordance with our Terms & Conditions of use.
If you wish to use CIRCuiTS™ with clients as part of routine clinical practice, you will need a Clinical License.
Clinical licenses are allocated per organisation or team, and allow an unlimited number of therapists within it to deliver CIRCuiTS™. This license is renewed annually, and the renewal fee depends on how many 'active' clients your organisation will be working with (the number of clients who, at any one point in time, are logging into CIRCuiTS™).
Please note that the prices below are for not-for-profit / non-profit organisations. If you are a private/for-profit organisation please contact us to discuss your needs and we will provide you with a bespoke quote.
Prices effective from 1st April 2024
Fee for first year:
£2,000 (unlimited clients, standard)
Annual renewal fee:
£600 (up to 20 active clients)
£1,200 (up to 50 active clients)
£2,400 (up to 200 active clients)
£4,800 (more than 200 active clients)
Fee for first year:
£3,000 (unlimited clients, standard)
Annual renewal fee:
£1,500 (up to 20 active clients)
£3,000 (up to 50 active clients)
£6,000 (up to 200 active clients)
£12,000 (more than 200 active clients)
All fees are subject to review and to added VAT where applicable.
When renewing clinical licenses, payment for 2-5 years in advance results in a 10% discount.
No more than two invoices per organisation can be raised at any one time for a payment of license and/or training costs (e.g. where funding comes from multiple sources).
How to Obtain a Clinical License
Contact us, stating that you are looking for a Clinical License. Please include the following information in full:
1. Your organisation's name, address, contact phone number, and whether you are a private company
2. Whether this is your first license, or a renewal (and for how many clients)
3. Desired start date for the license
4. Which CIRCuiTS™ language you require
5. Therapist training and supervision arrangements
A Research License is for organisations or research groups intending to use CIRCuiTS™ as part of a study. The license is valid for the duration of each research project (i.e. no annual renewal is necessary), subject to project approval.
The fee for a research license is made on a case-by-case basis following an in-house assessment by the CIRCuiTS™ team.
Payment may be required at the point of application, so get in touch as soon as possible so that we can assess your research project.
How to Obtain a Research License
Contact us, stating that you are looking for a Research License. In order for us to evaluate the study's quality and fairness, please include the following documents and information in full:
1. Your organisation/group's name, address, and contact phone number
2. Estimated start-date and length of the license/study
3. Study protocol
4. Ethics arrangements
5. Who funds the study
6. Data required from the CIRCuiTS™ programme
7. Therapist training and supervision arrangements